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CBST Vienna (in Slovak language)

Katholische Kirche St. Benedikt - Am Leberberg Svetelskystraße 9, 1110 Wien
Milí priatelia, pozývame vás na Seminár budovania spoločenstva – tréning komunikačnych zručností (CBST). Sama som sa tohto seminára na základe odporúčania Andrejky Mikolášiovej. Bola to veľmi silná a transformujúca skúsenosť, […]

Community Building Workshop in Germany (PUBLIC)

Schloss Hohenfels 1, 78355 Hohenfels, Deutschland Schloss Hohenfels 5, Hohenfels
The Community Building Workshop (CBW) is the original workshop format developed by Dr. Peck with a focus on experientially learning and experiencing Community Building guidelines and principles for personal, spiritual […]
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