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Webinar: CBI Facilitator & Organizer Procedures, Policies & Agreements

For CBI Facilitators (all levels) and FITs! Please Login to view full event details and to RSVP!   Facilitators and FITs are invited to join us online for this webinar on CBI Facilitator & Organizer Procedures, Policies & Agreements. This webinar is part of CBI’s Webinar series designed to support your growth as a facilitator and […]

Webinar: Mindfulness

For CBI Facilitators (all levels) and FITs! Please Login to view full event details and to RSVP!   Facilitators and FITs are invited to join us online for this webinar on Mindfulness. This webinar is part of CBI’s Webinar series designed to support your growth as a facilitator and gather your input about CBI improvements. We appreciate […]

Webinar: Thoughts/Emotions

For CBI Facilitators (all levels) and FITs! Please Login to view full event details and to RSVP!   Facilitators and FITs are invited to join us online for this webinar on Thoughts/Emotions. This webinar is part of CBI’s Webinar series designed to support your growth as a facilitator and gather your input about CBI improvements. We appreciate […]

Webinar: Top Interventions That Happen at Almost Every Workshop. Module 2 Review: How to Know What Intervention to Make & When to Make Them

For CBI Facilitators (all levels) and FITs! Please Login to view full event details and to RSVP!   Facilitators and FITs are invited to join us online for this webinar on Top Interventions That Happen at Almost Every Workshop. Module 2 Review: How to Know What Intervention to Make & When to Make Them. This webinar […]

Webinar: Trauma

For CBI Facilitators (all levels) and FITs! Please Login to view full event details and to RSVP!   Facilitators and FITs are invited to join us online for this webinar on Trauma. This webinar is part of CBI’s Webinar series designed to support your growth as a facilitator and gather your input about CBI improvements. We appreciate […]

Webinar: CBW with youth

For CBI Facilitators (all levels) and FITs! Please Login to view full event details and to RSVP!   Facilitators and FITs are invited to join us online for this webinar on CBW with youth. This webinar is part of CBI’s Webinar series designed to support your growth as a facilitator and gather your input about CBI […]

Webinar: CBI Licensing Program / License Agreement and Conditions

Virtual Event Virtual Event
Imagine a world where everyone feels a sense of belonging, peace, connection and Community. Where there is unusual safety and people appreciate the “glory of what it means to be being human,” at home, at work, in our personal and professional lives. This is the vision we strive towards every day at Community Building International […]

Webinar: Feedback suggestions and ideas for CBI: How can we improve?

For CBI Facilitators (all levels) and FITs! Please Login to view full event details and to RSVP!   Facilitators and FITs are invited to join us online for this webinar to provide feedback, suggestions, and ideas for CBI: how can we improve? This webinar is part of CBI’s Webinar series designed to support your growth as […]

Webinar: Going further with CBI, learn more about Facilitator training and Deep dive training program

Virtual Event Virtual Event
Imagine a world where everyone feels a sense of belonging, peace, connection and Community. Where there is unusual safety and people appreciate the “glory of what it means to be being human,” at home, at work, in our personal and professional lives. This is the vision we strive towards every day at Community Building International […]

Webinar: Facilitator Certification Levels. What is required? What skills and abilities are needed to advance? What is the process?

For CBI Facilitators (all levels) and FITs! Please Login to view full event details and to RSVP!   Facilitators and FITs are invited to join us online for this webinar on Facilitator Certification Levels. What is required? What skills and abilities are needed to advance? What is the process? This webinar is part of CBI’s Webinar […]

Webinar: CBI Licensing Program / License Agreement and Conditions

Virtual Event Virtual Event
This webinar will be presented in Slovak over Zoom. Predstavte si svet, v ktorom každý cíti zmysel pre spolupatričnosť, pokoj, spojenie a komunitu. Svet, kde vládne neobyčajná bezpečnosť a ľudia si vážia „slávu toho, čo znamená byť človekom“—doma, v práci, v osobnom aj profesionálnom živote. Toto je vízia, ku ktorej každý deň smerujeme v Community […]

Webinar: Trauma

For CBI Facilitators (all levels) and FITs! Please Login to view full event details and to RSVP!   Facilitators and FITs are invited to join us online for this webinar on Trauma. This webinar is part of CBI’s Webinar series designed to support your growth as a facilitator and gather your input about CBI improvements. We appreciate […]

Webinar: CBI Licensing Program / License Agreement and Conditions

Virtual Event Virtual Event
Imagine a world where everyone feels a sense of belonging, peace, connection and Community. Where there is unusual safety and people appreciate the “glory of what it means to be being human,” at home, at work, in our personal and professional lives. This is the vision we strive towards every day at Community Building International […]
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